Thursday, January 27, 2011

something to say? WHAT!

So I like to think the reason why I haven't written since the third of this month is simply because I've been insanely busy with school and traveling to Ireland for two weeks and then being jet lagged, sleepy and constantly hungry for roughly 27hrs. But the truth is I started to think, what is it that I have to write about? positively nothing.... of importance that is. Maybe in the near distant future when I lead an exciting life in some far off city that no one knows really anything about, THEN people will want to read my blog. But until that undetermined point in my life, what I have to say just isn't worth reading... right? Wrong.

So strap on your big girl boots and get ready. I may not be funny, grammatically correct, or anything else that people would hope from a blog, but I do know one thing. I can type pretty fast. And I don't mean just regular people fast I mean when I  am bored by myself I do online typing games to keep my fingers nimbly dancing across the keys like my hands were Fred Astaire and Ginger Rogers (pre-technicolor cause after it just seemed like they were doing the same movies and moves over and over again and who wants to watch the same movie just a different title every time? the Twilight Saga not included in that category)

Plus now I have cool Ireland stories to share, and pictures like this one. cause it's pretty 

Ireland- Co. Kerry Jan 2011

So stay tuned for more pictures and other interesting things

Monday, January 3, 2011

I am scared $#!%-less

After ringing in an uneventful New year's ( went to bed before 11:00) I realize it is now my turn to wonder what thousands of graduating college seniors are wondering, "WHAT AM I GOING TO DO WITH MY LIFE!?!?"  I suddenly have a revelation that all the dreams I have had circulate my already being somewhere else, not still in Georgia. All the plans I have EVER made are for the distant future, even when I was in high school, I never thought about the next ten months of my life after I graduate college. Mainly because I never really thought I would go to college much less stay and finish, in GEORGIA.

But nevertheless here I am sitting in my apartment, preparing to start the last Jan Term I will ever take realizing that in one month I'll start my last semester of my under grad career and I am scared witless about what my future will hold. I know a few in "no uncertain terms am I doing this" things, but what about the positive? what about the things I need to do to achieve my future goals?

such quandaries...

Lights, Camera ACTION

Sometimes when I am by myself I can almost swear that I am being followed… 
 by a movie camera. That’s right you read that correctly, a movie camera. I can almost hear the over voice start to narrate what I am doing—kind of like in The Holiday where the Cameron Diez character hears the narration of her life— well that is what mine is, but not about not being able to cry or love but about pointless trivial things, think the shoes I am wearing or how I create wind when I walk like Ms. J teaches the girls on ANTM. I then feel like I am having an out of body experience which I imagine looks something like this (insert picture of dazed funny face) and then I go through this dream sequence where I have a sudden revelation that my life is REALLY like the Jim Carrey movie where his life is a TV show ( The Truman Show). So I quickly turn around to see where the secret cameras are and where the director is, and why they couldn’t get better actors to play my friends (just kidding about the friends). It’s like someone decided to film my life because let’s be honest I am just too interesting a person to let it go un-documented…yeah right I know, but a girl can dream can’t she?

On another completely unrelated note, I am pretty sure my dog thinks it’s funny to pee in my bathroom in front of the toilet early in the morning before I wake up just so she can secretly point and laugh at me when I almost step in it… Bitch